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Despite the fact that this manager worked for a DSP owner who managed to make significant profits, he still called the program a bad deal. "I definitely wouldn't recommend joining the program," he said. "The amount of money you have to put in, your profit margins are going to be razor thin, or you might even lose money." The DSP program is targeted toward people who want to be small-business owners and has no explicit prerequisite qualifications (aside from the ability to prove access to $30,000 in liquid assets). After applicants are accepted as DSP owners, they are first required to establish an LLC. That LLC then hires somewhere between 20 and 40 drivers on average, leases tens and sometimes even more than 100 vans from a company contracted with Amazon, purchases Amazon-branded hats, vests and other driver clothing, and installs the Amazon app on driver phones. On a day-to-day basis, Amazon tells the LLC owners and drivers what routes they will drive, how many packages they will deliver and when to make the deliveries. Enjoy (or rage) as you see fit. Well, so it goes on the internet. And as ever, the best parts of the reviews are usually the other reviewers responding to them-a discourse that is variously civil and productive and horrible and full of name-calling. In fact, as in many of these pocket universes we call Amazon Reviews Sections, in the land of On the Road there is one valiant defender who patrols the comments, letting few negative reviews pass without at least a challenge. In this case the defender's name is Carlo Tomasetti, and he appears mostly in order to respond to criticism of the book's content and themes. "What's the problem with drugs and alcohol?" he asks repeatedly. "What's the problem with living pointlessly?" Carlo Tomasetti also frequently asks people who say they hate the book to suggest others they like better; in all of the one-star reviews, only one person takes him up on it. (And that person has pretty good taste, to be fair.) Drawbacks More for Instacart shoppers Get Any Paid Book for FREE from Amazon

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